Matthew Pham

Matthew Pham aka Matty

(Pronouns - he/him/his)

Matty owns an IGA and together with his family they have four IGAs. He joined Rotary in 2017 and says it was the “Best decision I've made in my life.”

Rotary Orgin Story: I joined in mid 2017 when I started giving back to the community and realised it was a great feeling so wanted more of it. Someone said joining Rotary would help spur that passion so I joined and have got so much more in return.

Roles and Achievements in Rotaract and Rotary:

  • President Swan Districts Rotary (2020-21)

  • Assistant Governor (District 9455)

  • Swan Rotaract Advisor

Matty has also participated in the Vinnies CEO sleepout for 5 years in a row from 2017 to 2021, and raised many thousands of dollars donated to helping people experiencing homelessness. He also has championed various community projects and donations through IGA.

A resource from Matty

What is your earliest childhood memory? Spending time at home with my grandma when my mum started driving lessons. She would come over to my house and offer me a piece of toast and banana. I declined every time.

If your life were a movie what is the title and who plays you? Open World. Simu Liu? haha can't think of anyone

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be and why? No one is homeless. We living in an amazing country and world and the least someone deserves is a roof over their head that's safe enough to call home.

Who is your hero and why? My family. They fled shortly after the Vietnam War on a boat (at my current age) and risked it all so that their kids could have a better opportunity in life. Can't thank them enough for what they've done.

If your life we summed up by a quote what would it be and why? "It's amazing what can happen when you give someone belief, inspiration and opportunities" Joining Rotary has changed the trajectory of my life and who I am today. I don't where I'd be otherwise.

What’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about you? When Dee Buckland asked me to become an Assistant Governor earlier this year she said what I've accomplished in Rotary is amazing and I have an ability to inspire others. Not going lie I was pretty emotional about it all because I've never really got compliments or feedback like that ever.

What is your idea of fun? F is for friends who do stuff together... U is for you and me... N is for anywhere and anytime at all, down here in the deep blue sea. Sorry I just quoted Spongebob

If you were to meet your 15 year old self what advice would you give them? Getting high marks in studies isn't everything there is in life. Stop comparing yourself to your friends and others.

What is your go-to dinner recipe and how do you make it? Tuna pasta! any pasta will do but you'll need canned tuna, olive oil, garlic, chilli, capers, lemon and cherry tomato (normal will do). Cook ingredients in the oil then add the pasta (with some pasta water this is important) and add lemon juice to finish.

Do you enjoy the outdoors? Yes I usually go hiking with friends. Just way to get some exercise, fresh area and is good for stress relief.